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Buddy Bites

Even an MBA Doesn’t Prepare You for Business Admin

Chris Lee and Ryan Black had a great idea for an online dog food subscription service — and wanted to add even greater value by donating 1kg for every 2kg dog food sold. But they soon found themselves buried in admin.

5 hours

saved on registering the company from Hong Kong


actions solved over chat

Less stress

due to paperwork digitised


Buddy Bites

Member since

June 2020

Line of work


About Buddy Bites

Two long-time friends who met on the rugby pitch, Chris Lee and Ryan Black, identified a gap in the market for an online subscription service for dog food, Buddy Bites. With a dream to create their own business, they partnered with dog shelters across Hong Kong and found a unique selling proposition by donating 1kg of dog food for every 2kg sold. Today, they have been able to cover the costs of all dog food for the dog shelter Catherine’s Puppies. They hope to eventually provide food for all animal shelters in Hong Kong.

Buddy Bites box

The Challenge

After nailing down the business model, Chris and Ryan struggled with the task of registering Buddy Bites in Hong Kong and the compliance tasks that came after that as there were a lot of things to do, and they were unsure where to start. To study and read into where exactly to start would not give them a huge return on investments.

The administrative parts are not what we learn about when we read books about starting or running a business. It’s not what is covered in an MBA even, which Ryan completed. We didn’t really know where to turn.

Chris Lee & Ryan Black, Founders & CEO, Buddy Bites

The Solution

Having found out about Osome through a referral, they found the process to register Buddy Bites as a private limited company seamless and easy.

Starting a company means building up from scratch, and every single vendor brought in to work with you becomes part of your team too.

The Buddy Bites team found great value in the service brought to them so much so that they took on the Compliance Kit, which included setting up a registered address and assistance to get the company registration certificate needed to operate a company in Hong Kong and unlimited corporate actions for 1 year.

We thought we would only have a one-off transactional relationship with Osome, but we were blown away by the phenomenal service we received and how convenient it was to work with them. We saved a lot of time which we could reallocate to scaling our business.

Chris Lee & Ryan Black, Founders & CEO, Buddy Bites

Advice for Entrepreneurs

To open an e-commerce business today, you can get quite far ahead without jumping headfirst into your full-time job. Allocate some time to see if there is good feedback from the market and if you like working on it. 


When you start a business and leave a full-time job, you want it to be fun. Inevitably, some parts, like admin, won’t be fun. Each vendor you work with is like your business partner. Find the right ones, and the mundane becomes fun too.

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