Francesca Del GiudiceAuthor

Francesca Del Giudice

Francesca is a content creator with over 5 years of cross-industry experience that spans academic research, consulting, venture, and tech startups.

A collection of 4 posts

A Guide to Applying for Investment Visa for Entrepreneurs
Better Business

A Guide to Applying for Investment Visa for Entrepreneurs

If you want to start a business in Hong Kong or join a startup here, you may need a Hong Kong Investment Visa. Read about what you need and who can apply.

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A Guide to Articles of Association in Hong Kong
Better Business

A Guide to Articles of Association in Hong Kong

An Articles of Association (AA) must be submitted if you wish to be registered as an entity in Hong Kong, regardless of entity type. Here’s how to prepare it.

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Tips for Organising Invoices and Receipts for Small Businesses
Money Talk

Tips for Organising Invoices and Receipts for Small Businesses

Ask any entrepreneur what their least favorite business activity, just about all of them will say “paperwork”. Here’s some tips to get you to organise your invoices and receipts so you can turn your frown upside down.

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What Business Owners Need To Know About Accounting Standards in Hong Kong
Better Business

What Business Owners Need To Know About Accounting Standards in Hong Kong

Find out more about how to standardise your accounting with Hong Kong’s Accounting Standards

·NaN min read

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