Natalia AsaulAuthor

Natalia Asaul

Natalia majored in International Journalism and speaks 4 languages. In her free time, Natalia enjoys reading movie scripts, painting portraits, and lifting weights.

A collection of 2 posts

Better Business

How an Entrepreneur Can Move to Hong Kong and Bring Along Their Team

Hong Kong employment visas can be pretty hard to get, so we created this quick guide to help you understand how to apply for one and assess your chances before you make the move. We break down the rules and describe the application process.

·NaN min read
Money Talk

Tips on Opening a Business Bank Account in Hong Kong

In 2020, a mere wish to open a business account is not enough. One needs to convince the bank that they can trust them. Every case is unique, but we gathered some universal insights from practising lawyers, explained the procedure, and outlined the questions you will be asked

·NaN min read

Tips to run your business smarter. Delivered to you monthly.
