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What Is a Multi-Currency Account? Everything You Need to Know

  • Published: 8 December 2023
  • 8 min read
  • Grow Your Business
What Is a Multi-Currency Account? Everything You Need to Know

Imagine managing multiple currencies with just one multi-currency account, making international transactions seamlessly, and saving money on currency conversion fees. Welcome to the world of multi-currency accounts! This blog post will give you everything you need to know about these versatile accounts and how they can simplify your financial life and expand your business operations.

Key Takeaways

  • Multi-currency accounts offer convenience, cost-effectiveness and quick international transfers, making foreign exchange effortless.
  • Users must compare banks and fintech companies to identify the best multi-currency account provider for their business needs.
  • Exchange rate monitoring is essential to maximise savings from a multi-currency account while reducing fees and costs.

What Is a Multi-Currency Account?

A multi-currency account, or a foreign currency savings account, allows users to manage, store, and transact in various currencies within a single account. Banks like Citibank and HSBC and fintech companies like Wise and Revolut offer foreign currency accounts, including multi-currency accounts and foreign currency time deposit options, to cater to the diverse needs of businesses and individuals alike.

The primary benefit of having a multi-currency account is:

  • Convenience for international money transactions
  • Quick and cost-effective payments, including foreign deposits
  • Managing fluctuations in exchange rates
  • Reducing expenses when utilising money overseas

As global networks expand and the demand for international transactions increases, a global account with multi-currency functionality becomes necessary.

How Does a Multi-Currency Account Work?

Multi-currency accounts function like regular bank accounts, allowing deposits, cash withdrawals, and transfers, but with the added ability to hold and convert multiple currencies as needed. Although they provide similar features to typical bank accounts, including time deposit account options, multi-currency accounts often come with additional fees, such as monthly account fees, charges for withdrawals or deposits outside of set values, and fees for transfers or deposits of certain currencies.

To help users keep track of their finances, multi-currency account providers usually offer an app that displays an overview of the overall funds, including the balance of each currency savings account. Compared to regular bank accounts, multi-currency accounts offer numerous advantages, such as:

  • The ability to maintain and transact in multiple currencies
  • Reduced exchange fees
  • Quicker transactions
  • Streamlined management
  • Increased flexibility

How To Open a Multi-Currency Account

Opening a multi-currency account typically involves providing personal information, proof of identity, and an initial deposit. To deposit money, you must be at least 18 years old and reside in certain countries. Some multi-currency accounts may also have minimum balance requirements.

Depending on the financial institution, you can open a multi-currency account online, contact an outsourced service, or visit a bank branch to set up your account. The process for obtaining a multi-currency account is similar to that of opening any other bank account, making it accessible and straightforward.

Pros and Cons: Evaluating Multi-Currency Accounts

Multi-currency accounts have many benefits, including convenience, cost-effectiveness, and fast international transfers. However, they also have potential drawbacks such as fees, limited investment options, and high minimum balance requirements for some accounts. The following sections thoroughly analyse the advantages and disadvantages of multi-currency accounts.

Advantages of multi-currency accounts

One of the main benefits of a multi-currency account is the streamlining of accounting processes, making it simpler to manage finances. Consolidating all accounts into one provides a more efficient way to track income sources and expenditures. Moreover, multi-currency accounts bypass the need for conversions, crediting funds without extra costs.

Other advantages of having a multi-currency account are:

  • The protection of funds
  • Taking advantage of favourable exchange rates
  • Avoiding unnecessary conversion fees
  • Managing finances in different currencies

Since this can be done in just a couple of clicks, this can be particularly beneficial for expatriates and frequent travellers who are always on the move.

Drawbacks to consider

While multi-currency accounts offer numerous benefits, they also come with some drawbacks. Some of the drawbacks include:

  • Conversion fees
  • ATM withdrawal fees
  • Account maintenance fees
  • Lower interest rates than regular bank accounts.

Another potential downside is the limited investment options available with multi-currency accounts. This can be a disadvantage for those looking to diversify their investment portfolio or seeking higher returns on their savings. Despite these drawbacks, multi-currency accounts remain popular for those who need to manage finances in multiple currencies — from trading the Singapore dollar to the Japanese Yen to your home currency, the ability to trade in multiple currencies is extremely powerful for businesses looking to grow.

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Who Can Benefit from Opening a Multi-Currency Account?

Expatriates, frequent travellers, and businesses with global operations can greatly benefit from opening a multi-currency account. The following sections detail how these specific groups may simplify their financial management through multi-currency accounts.

Expatriates and frequent travellers

Expatriates and frequent travellers can benefit from multi-currency accounts in the following ways:

  • Avoiding conversion fees
  • Managing finances more efficiently
  • Holding and managing money in different currencies
  • Facilitating international transactions
  • Taking advantage of favourable exchange rates

Multi-currency accounts offer a great deal of convenience and flexibility to people who travel to different countries. They allow users to spend and receive money in the local currency without requiring exchange. This makes financial management much simpler for expatriates and travellers.

Businesses with global operations

Businesses with global operations can streamline transactions, reduce costs, and improve customer experiences with multi-currency accounts. By holding multiple currencies in a single account, businesses can make transactions in different currencies without needing conversion, thereby avoiding associated fees.

Moreover, compared to traditional banks, multi-currency accounts often offer better exchange rates and lower transaction fees, resulting in quicker and more cost-effective international transfers. Overall, multi-currency accounts offer significant advantages for businesses with international operations.

Choosing the Best Multi-Currency Account Provider

Choosing the best multi-currency account provider involves comparing banks, fintech companies, and private banking services and considering factors like fees, services, and customer support.

The following sections will guide you in comparing banks and fintech companies and outline key factors to consider when choosing a multi-currency account provider.

Comparing banks and fintech companies

Major banks such as Citibank and HSBC, as well as fintech companies like Wise and Revolut, offer various multi-currency account options. Fintech companies generally provide more competitive exchange rates and lower fees compared to traditional banks. With such a wide choice of multi-currency accounts available, it's important to compare the options offered by each provider to find the one that best suits your needs.

Traditional banks are investing in, acquiring, or partnering with fintech firms to offer their customers a wider range of services under one account. Therefore, comparing the services and fees of both banks and fintech companies is necessary to identify the top multi-currency account provider for your needs.

Key factors to consider

Considering fees, available currencies, ease of use, and customer support is important when selecting a multi-currency account provider. Some factors to consider include:

  • Fees for inactivity
  • Fees for maintaining a minimum balance
  • Monthly account fees
  • Fees for withdrawals and deposits outside set values
  • Fees for receiving payments in certain currencies

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When choosing a multi-currency account provider, it's important to take into account the number of available currencies they offer. Providers such as Wise and HSBC Expat offer up to 19 currencies in one account. The user experience is also a crucial factor to consider, including features like free money transfers, simplified exchanges, and manageable foreign currencies. These aspects can have a significant impact on how easy it is to work with a multi-currency account provider.

Managing Your Multi-Currency Account

Monitoring foreign exchange rates is essential for businesses and individuals dealing with international transactions. One of the major currencies to watch is the Australian dollar, as fluctuations in its value can significantly impact the cost of goods and services, especially when considering the exchange rate. Another currency to watch is the Hong Kong dollar, which also plays a significant role in global trade.

Managing a multi-currency account involves monitoring exchange rates, such as the Canadian dollar, to maximise savings and actively reduce fees and costs associated with the account.

The upcoming sections will discuss strategies to reduce fees and costs related to multi-currency accounts.

Monitoring exchange rates

Keeping an eye on exchange rates in a multi-currency account is important, as it helps users to:

  • Take advantage of favourable rates
  • Make informed decisions regarding conversions
  • Reduce the effect of fluctuations on one’s account balance
  • Potentially save on foreign transactions.

A variety of tools can be utilised for monitoring exchange rates for a multi-currency account, such as:

  • Deskera
  • Exchange Software (e.g., Tipalti and CurrencyXchanger)
  • Biz4x

It is recommended to monitor exchange rates at least on a daily basis to stay informed and make the most of your multi-currency account.

Reducing fees and costs

To reduce fees and costs associated with a multi-currency account, it is advisable to:

  • Research and compare fees from different providers
  • Select an account with lower or no fees
  • Be aware of conversion rates and transaction volumes.

Adopting these strategies can help users lessen the expenses linked to their multi-currency bank accounts and maximise their international transactions.


To sum up, multi-currency accounts are a practical and cost-efficient solution for individuals and businesses involved in international transactions. They come with several benefits, such as simplified accounting, user-friendliness, and secure funds. However, it is crucial to choose the right multi-currency account provider and actively manage the account to maximize savings and minimize fees. Doing so lets you take full advantage of your multi-currency account and simplify your financial management.

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  • What is multi-currency in accounting?

    Multi-currency accounting is the ability to conduct financial transactions in different currencies, while the software records and displays exchange rates transparently, providing visibility into the local equivalent.

  • What is an HSBC multi-currency account?

    HSBC Multi-Currency Account is an easy-to-manage, no-fee holding account available in 14 major currencies. It allows you to manage your finances from anywhere worldwide and store up to 19 currencies with fee-free international payments. You can make payments to accounts around the globe faster and easier than ever before.

  • What are the advantages of a multi-currency bank account?

    Multi-currency bank accounts can offer significant advantages, such as lower transaction costs, improved cash flow management, and reduced exchange rate risk.

  • What is a multi-currency account?

    A multi-currency account is a convenient way to store and manage multiple foreign currencies in one place, allowing you to send, hold, and receive money with ease.

  • How do I choose the best multi-currency account provider?

    To choose the best multi-currency account provider, compare banks, fintech companies, and private banking services to consider fees, services, and customer support. Our services here at Osome can also advise you on the best account according to your business's needs.

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